Participant Information Sheet

Whenua BEINGS: Raising the consciousness of Māori landowners

Name(s) of researcher(s): Dr Kiri Dell and Dr Mike Lee.

Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitu te whenua

We are Dr Kiri Dell (Ngāti Porou), from the Department of Property and Dr Mike Lee from the Department of Marketing. We are researchers from the University of Auckland working on enhancing the relationship between Māori and their whenua.

This Project

Whenua BEINGS seeks to raise the consciousness of Māori relationships with land. Whenua BEINGS helps to explain the types of behaviour and emotions Māori landowners experience when it comes to their whenua. By participating in this online survey, individuals will receive their individual land personality profile related to each category – Belonging, Emotions, Influence, Nourishment, Guardianship and Spirituality.

There are no risks associated with this research.

The results from this project are valuable to you the individual to give more understanding of the type of relationship you hold with land. The collective results of all survey participants are also valuable. The combined data will evaluate an overall sense of Māori, across the nation and how they feel towards land. Governance groups/trustees will be receiving a report on their land blocks but as the data is combined, no individual will be able to be identified.

This research is being funded by Te Puni Kōkiri. In exchange they will receive interim and final reports on the three rohe.

Invitation to Participate

You, along with all other engaged Māori land owners, are invited to participate in this research by way of an online survey taking no more than 15 minutes in total. Should you wish to participate, simply click on the survey link. Submission counts as consent to participation. No other actions are required from you.

Where internet access is limited a research assistant, who has signed a confidentiality agreement, will provide access to the online questionnaire in person, or by pen and paper, once permission from the participant is obtained.

Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. You need to be over the age of eighteen to be able to give your consent to participate.

At the end of the survey you will be presented automatically with a summary of your results and an explanation of your individual land relationship profile. If you would like to have the results sent to you, there will be an opportunity for you to provide us with your email/ postal address, though this is optional.

Data Storage, Retention, Destruction and Future Use

Hard copy data will be stored in a secure cabinet at the University of Auckland. Electronic data will be backed up and stored on the University of Auckland server.

The data will be kept indefinitely beyond 6 years.

The data and findings will be used by the University of Auckland Business School to develop greater understanding of Māori relationships with whenua. The findings may be used in presentations within the university, at conferences and in academic journals.

The data and findings will also help Te Puni Kōkiri better understand the complex issues impacting on Māori land productivity and governance.  It will also help entities and governance groups to inform their strategic direction and grow the capabilities of their members. The final report will be shared with the Whenua Māori Programmes joint partner, the Ministry of Justice.


While it is necessary for you to identify the land block you are referring to in the survey, no other individual identifying information will be collected nor presented in any of our presentations or publications. Since your data is anonymised when combined with other information, it cannot be withdrawn once your data has been entered.



Dr Kiri Dell
Department of Property, University of Auckland Business School
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 09-373-7599 ext:86399

Dr Mike Lee
Department of Marketing, University of Auckland Business School
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 09-373-7599 ext:85953

Head of Department

Associate Professor Deborah Levy
Department of Property, University of Auckland Business School
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +64 9 923 7331

For any queries regarding ethical concerns you may contact the Chair, The University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee, The University of Auckland, Research Office, Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142. Telephone 09 373-7599 ext. 83711. Email: ro-[email protected].

Approved by the University of Auckland Human Participants Ethics Committee on 25th October 2018 for three years.  Reference Number 022058